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Salted Caramel Ice Cream

This cool dessert should be most welcomed in any household during this hot, humid and hazy weather.  We are experiencing a very hot spell in this part of the world and this can be choking at times more so if people were to adopt 'open burning' in their compounds.   This salted caramel is a fun flavour to make and I like it best, topped with some caramel sauce and a dash of freshly ground amazing flavour!

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Recipe for Salted Caramel Ice Cream  (Adapted from 'here' with slight modification)

  • 100 gm caster sugar
  • 1/8 cup/31 ml water
  • 3/4 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/8 tsp seasalt or a bit less
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla
  • lightly toasted almond nibs
  • extra caramel sauce
  • seasalt for garnishing
  1. Heat sugar and water till it turns just light brown.
  2. Add cream, milk to the pan and allow to heat through, stirring occasionally until it's just beginning to steam. Add and stir in seasalt till it dissolves.  Turn off heat and let cool.
  3. In another bowl whisk egg yolks and vanilla till smooth.  Gradually pour the caramel cream mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly.
  4. Pour the caramel-egg mixture back into the pot and cook till it coats the back of a wooden spoon.
  5. Put in a bowl, cover with cling wrap, let cool in room temperature before refridgerating overnight.
  6. Churn according to the manufacturer's instructions of your ice cream maker and add in the nibbed almonds just at the end of churning.


  1. Ice cream with caramel.. looks like heaven :)

  2. Salted caramel....a favourite in our house. Your ice cream looks delicious, Cheah.

  3. Mmm... this sounds so yummy with salted caramel on the ice cream, I need a cup of your ice cream right now to beat the heat :D

    1. It rained a bit yesterday and today it's back to square one :(

  4. Homemade ice-cream is healthy. Love the flavour and sure great to have it anytime!

    1. Yes, at least you'll know what goes into your stomach!

  5. I am curious about the taste of this ice cream with salted caramel??

    1. I like the taste, sweet with a tinge of saltiness!

  6. This salted caramel ice cream looks so perfect! Yummy!

  7. You just remind me that I have so long didn't open my ice cream maker, hahaha..ya this is perfect for this hot weather.

    1. Yes, you better churn out some recipes.....otherwise the machine will die on you!

  8. Hi Cheah,
    If only I could have a scoop of your ice-cream right now! It looks so good and coooooling.....!!
    Guess what, it just rained at my area! We are all smiles! Only hope that the it rained over at the dam and water catchment areas!

    1. Lucky you. We do have strong winds especially in the morning but no rain...:(

  9. These few weeks are so hot. Most of the river at the southern part are almost dry up. And a lot of young durian trees already dead. Our friends here working very hard everyday to get water from nearby river to their orchard. Stressful task but have no other choice. Your ice cream sounds just perfect. Wish I can have it every day. :o)

    1. Yes, need to cool off in this heat and Dengue Fever is on the rise too.. :(

  10. Hi Cheah, with the humid and hot weather now, your salted caramel ice-cream already see me drooling.... This is paradise and how I wished I could just spoon it straight from the pc screen right now!! Have a nice day, Cheah :)


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