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Red Bean Ice Cream

Red Bean Ice Cream ... another cooling dessert much sought after in my household during this hot, hazy and humid weather.  I was very happy when it 'rained' yesterday but it was short-lived.  The rain wasn't enough even to wet the grass in my garden and I was so disappointed.  So far, there's no water rationing here in Ipoh but I'm sure that all of us will welcome any rain in the near future.

Recipe for Red Bean Ice Cream


    • 150 gm red bean paste
    • 150 ml milk
    • 300ml whipping cream
    • 50 gm caster sugar
    • 4 egg yolks
    • a pinch of salt
    1. To make the red bean paste, just boil some red beans with some sugar, once the beans are soft, smash them till fine.
    2. Place milk and cream  in a saucepan, heat gently, once milk starts to foam up a bit, remove from heat.
    3. Using a ball whisk, whisk egg yolks with sugar till  smooth.
    4. Gradually pour the cream mixture into the egg mixture, whisking continuously not to cook the eggs.  Add in 75 gm  smashed red bean paste, mix well.
    5. Pour this back into the saucepan, bring to the boil, add salt, keep stirring till the mixture can coat the back of a wooden spoon.
    6. Pour this into a large bowl, cover with cling wrap.  Let cool, refrigerate overnight.
    7. Churn the mixture in your ice cream maker according to the instructions.  Add in the remaining 75 gm red bean paste just at the end of churning.


  1. I would love a big bowl of your icecream too, it is very hot here too!

    1. Yes, I can understand, Jeannie. This heat is killing :(

  2. Red bean ice cream? Sounds so interesting! Can't even imagine the taste.

  3. I would definitely ask for extra from you....nowadays the weather is unbearable...just a light chores, I be sweating all over. Kacang merah potong....i remember I used to buy this in my younger times.

    1. I too look forward to the ice cream uncle who plied my area when I was little. Yes, ice cream potong!

  4. remind me of the old-fashioned red bean ice cream ^_^

  5. Hi Cheah, Is super hot here! Love to have a bowl of your yummy red bean ice cream.

  6. I would love one scoop too! They were one of my favourite childhood sweets.

  7. This sounds fantastic! When i was younger, I used to work at a bubble tea place, and there I learned to love red bean desserts. Yum!

    1. Red beans are very versatile and can be used in many dessert recipes.

  8. I want a big scoop too. Super hot over here.

  9. I love red bean ice cream! Normally get my fix from those ice cream potong type :)

  10. Wa this looks good...I hope to make ice cream too...heehee now I have a huge fridge so now can place the ice cream bowl forever in the freezer :) Thanks for sharing really looks delicious :)

    1. Thank you, Elin. My ice cream freezer bowl is in my freezer all the time!

  11. Hi Cheah,

    I like your red bean ice cream... Very Japanese! I'm going back to Singapore next week and let's see how am I going to embrace this hot hot weather :p


    1. Good luck to you, Zoe...... you'll feel that you're in the midst of the Sahara desert!

  12. Cheah, this is a nice flavour! The water situation in Selangor is bad. Now into fourth phase of rationing. My plants are really suffering. Let's pray for more rain!

    1. Thank goodness that we're not experiencing any water rationing in Ipoh at the moment and yes, we do need the rain very, very badly! Can't stand the haze and heat!

  13. Hi, red bean is one of my favourite food & when I was young, I loved to eat red bean ice=cream(made in long rectangle). Recently have been spotted a few ice-cream recipes, just don't have the ice-cream maker at home.

  14. Hi Cheah, I can only admire your ice creams but I can't make them with my 'old' fridge. When I get a new fridge, the first thing I'll do is to make ice cream your way. So many lovely ice cream recipes here that I can follow. Thanks for sharing.

  15. The colours are beautiful! I'm a huge fan of ice-creams & I can eat them anytime of the day. Send me some next time won't you?


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