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Chocolate Cupcakes

When I saw Anncoo's post on 'A must try chocolate cupcake', I KIV and only got to try it out recently. I totally agree with her that these cupcakes were good, moist, soft and tasted much better, chilled.  I only reduced the sugar to 180 gm because I much prefer to have a slight  bitter taste of the chocolate and Nescafe.   This recipe is a keeper for sure.  Thanks Ann!

I didn't ice the cupcakes, instead sprinkled on some Demerara sugar (immediately upon removing the cupcakes  from the oven)  to blend in with the chococolate and coffee  .......Yummy is the word!

Sprinkled some Demerara sugar on  top of the cake prior to baking.  The fine syrup coating on the crystals together with its coarseness, gives a good colour to the crust of the cake after baking ..... like the taste of the crust, a bit crunchy and aromatic!

Good old icing sugar, came in very handy.  Just dusted some on top and it looks so cute, like snowdrops!

Have to admit that snapping these pictures was very challenging as basically the 'objects' were very dark and my camera is only a point and shoot model, but nonetheless, perseverence pays!

Just can't wait to take a bite ....... mmmm, wonderful!

Ingredients     (Makes 18 Cupcakes)
  • 100 gm butter
  • 200 gm caster sugar  ( I reduced to 180 gm)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup milk  ( I used skim milk powder mixed with water)
  • 1 flat tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • 1 flat tsp instant Nescafe or any brand of your choice
  • 190 gm plain flour
  • 1/4 flat  tsp salt
  • 3  flat tsp baking powder
  • 40 gm cocoa/chocolate powder
  1. Dissolve the boiling water with the Nescafe and set aside.
  2. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda with the milk and set aside.
  3. Sift all the ingredients in (C), mix well and set aside.
  4. Cream butter and sugar till light and creamy, add in vanilla and the eggs, one at a time.  Continue beating.
  5. Add in the Nescafe mixture and mix well.
  6. Fold in the sifted flour alternating with the milk mixture, starting with flour and ending with flour.  Mix well.
  7. Spoon batter into greased paper cups, 3/4 full.
  8. Bake in preheated oven @ 160 deg C for about 20 mins.  Insert a skewer in the centre of the cake and see if it comes out clean.
  9. Leave to cool on rack and ice with whatever icing you fancy.
  10. Serve. 
Note :  These cakes taste much better when they're chilled and they freeze well.
            You can also bake this in an 8 inch cake pan.  If you do not intend to frost or decorate the cake, 
             then do not reduce the sugar.


  1. Beautiful cuppies...I like chocolate cake that is moist and have a bitterish taste. Thanks for sharing with the recipe. Will try this one day when Josh is back. He is a chocolate fan :)

    Oh btw, your pictures look great especially the last one :)

  2. I want five pcs for tea leh!

  3. Yummy! This reminds me I have not baked chocolate cakes for a while now...would give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Soory Cheah, not the last photo but the 2nd last. The gigantic cupcake!

  5. Ya, I've to agree with Elin. The last picture looks awesome. You should have place it to the top! Ans ove the one with melted sugar top. Drooling! I think Claire also drooling right now! hahaha....
    Have a nice day, dear.

  6. I know how hard it is using a point and shot camera but you have done a good job here. Delicious cake with different ways of dressing up hehe

  7. mr. pineapple man
    Thanks for dropping by!

    Thanks. Had a hard time clicking the pics!

    Help yourself, Pete!

    Yes, try it!

    Yes, I like that one too!

    3 hungry tummies
    I'm no good at dressing them up, just add sugar only, easy job!

  8. These cupcakes do look yummy. I like the idea of sprinkling the demerara sugar prior to baking to create a crust.

  9. I think you did a great job baking and taking the photos.

  10. They are moist and rich! I will try the recipe when the weather is cooler. It's so darn HOT today! 37C!!!

  11. Oh Cheah! So happy you liked this chocolate cupcakes. Look beautiful with those sprinkles.

  12. pigpigscorner
    Of course you can!

    Yes the crust was yummy!

    Thanks penny!

    Ah, so the hot sun has moved over to your place. We have experienced those humid days for nearly half a year already. Now, it's rain, rain and more rain!

    Ya something different and so kind of you to share the recipe.

  13. this chocolate cup cake look diff from the normal one, bookmark this recipe, must try soon.

  14. Do try it Sonia, I'm sure your kids will love it!


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