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Pistachio Ice Cream

This  nutty  Pistachio Ice Cream should be most welcome to round off a sumptuous reunion dinner on 30th January as the lunar Chinese New Year falls on 31st January this year.  This pale green and fragrant icy dessert is not too sweet and not overly rich as I've reduced the amount of cream in the recipe... so feel free to enjoy!

Recipe for Pistachio Ice Cream (adapted from 'Here' with modification)

    • 125 gm Pistachios
    • 60 gm caster sugar
    • 3 egg yolks
    • 250 ml cream
    • 250 ml milk
    • Pinch of salt
    1. Blend half the Pistachios till fine.  Roughly chop up the balance.
    2. Lightly boil the cream, milk, salt and finely ground Pistachios.  Remove from heat.
    3. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar till thick and creamy.
    4. Pour the milk mixture onto the egg mixture, keep stirring to prevent the milk from cooking the egg mixture.
    5. Pour this mixture back to the saucepan and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon.  When the custard is done, it can coat the back of the wooden spoon.
    6. Pour this mixture into a bowl, cover with cling wrap and let cool.  Once cooled, keep refrigerated overnight.
    7. Churn the mixture according to the instructions of your Ice cream maker, about 30 mins. 
    8. Add in the roughly chopped Pistachios just before you switch off the Ice cream maker.

    This will be my last post before the Chinese New Year and I'll be taking a short break from blogging.
    Last but not least, I wish all my readers and friends 

     Happy Chinese New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!


  1. Hi Cheah!
    You made delicious looking Pistachio ice Cream! I adore Pistachio and even though it is freezing outside, I sure wouldn't mind just one scoop! Thank you so much for sharing, Cheah...

  2. Hi Sokehah Cheah , the ice looks delicious , have a nice break and see you when you return :)

    1. Thank you, Nee. I do need a break with so much baking for the Chinese New Year!

  3. Yumm! Who wouldn't like pistachio ice cream :) it's one of my favorite. Especially when it's so hot in here these days..

  4. Hi Cheah
    Ice cream is one of my favourite snack time.....looking at your ice cream, it just remind me I have so long I have not make ice cream already. Pistachio sounds most wonderful flavour to me. Love it. Here, I wish for you and your family a prosperous horse year and good health too.

    1. Thank you, Mel. All the best to you and your family too!

  5. I loved pistachio and how I wish I could have a scoop of your mouth watering ice cream now.

  6. Hi Cheah,
    I want a scoop of your pistachio ice cream. Look so good and delicious!
    Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family.

  7. I am craving this ice cream right now!! This looks fantastic!


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