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Cointreau liqueur snowskin mooncake ~ 橙酒莲蓉冰皮月餅 ~ 2017

As the name implies, these snowskin mooncakes have a hint bit of orange liqueur and I used a different recipe this time.   I adapted the recipe from Ah Tze (only made a quarter of the recipe) as I was curious to steam the wheat starch and plain flour and whether the flours will be wet and difficult to sift.  But no, after cooled, just sift through.  This is a keeper recipe for the mooncakes stayed soft and nice even after the fifth day, stored in an airtight container, chilled.  A great thank you to Ah Tze for sharing this recipe.

Have a pleasant and enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival!

Cointreau liqueur snowskin mooncake ~  橙酒莲蓉冰皮月餅


  • 65 gm kao fun (cooked glutinous rice flour)
  • 17.1/2 gm wheat starch flour
  • 17.1/2 gm ssuperfine flour
  • 60 gm icing sugar
  • 25 gm Crisco shortening
  • 60 gm water
  • 15 ml/3 tsp Cointreau liqueur
  • Pandan/screwpine leaves (optional)
  • 250 gm lotus paste (store bought)
  • some dried honey strawberry (optional)
  1. Mix wheat starch and superfine flour, steam for 3 mins., remove from steamer, let cool.  Sift the flour mixture into a bowl and sift in the kao fun and  mix well.
  2. In a small pot, boil water, icing sugar and shortening till shortening has melted.
  3. Pour this hot liquid into the flour mixture, mix with spatula and add in the Cointreau liqueur.
  4. Lightly knead dough, wrap with clingwrap and let sit for 30 mins. in the fridge.
  5. Divide dough into 25 gm portion, filling also 25 gm with a honey strawberry.
  6. Roll out the dough, wrap round the filling, roll into a ball and put into the mould, stamp out.
  7. Keep the snowskin mooncakes in a container with a piece of paper towel on top to absorb any condensation.  Keep chilled before serving.
  8. Yield :  10 mini snowskin mooncakes with a 50 gm plunger mould.


  1. Cointreau in mooncake...very creative!

  2. Boozy mooncakes. That's a first for me!

  3. Liqueur mooncake skin always sound good. I haven't tried for years. Too busy to make anything this year.
    Wishing you & family a very happy mooncake festival too.
    Blessings, Kristy

    1. This recipe is good, the snowskin stays soft even after 5 or 6 days, covered and chilled.

  4. Love the idea of adding alcohol to mooncakes- and Contreau sounds like an excellent choice too! Yours look so perfect!


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