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Cough remedy ~ Revisited

Lately, looks like the cough bug is in the air.  My neighbour has been coughing for quite a while, so are my friends and their children.  Lately my other half has been coughing too and instead of relying on the cough mixture, I turn to traditional Chinese remedies and hope for the best.
Elin of   Elinluv's sweet delights  recommended this concoction to me and I tried it ..... 'Double boiled apple with rock sugar'.  Even if you're not coughing you can still make this soothing drink.  Elin has a lot of wonderful recipes and right now she's in the mood of making bread.  Do check out her blog, in fact she has two and I can assure you that you won't be disappointed.

I made this twice.  The first time I used a double boiler, and on the second, I used a mini slow cooker as I don't have to monitor and add in water in the double boiler pot.

You'll need to abstain from eating chicken, oranges and grapes if you wish to recover from your cough because if left unchecked, you'll be coughing for months!

The sugary syrup with a slight tinge of sourness from the green apple is indeed very soothing to the 'ticklish' throat.  This is not a guaranteed antidote but no harm in trying for it may work for some but not suitable for others.  Nonetheless, your life won't be shortened with an overdose of this soothing drink ! Oh a less hassle way to combat cough is to eat fresh Jackfruit void of washing.  It worked for me but not for my other half.

  • 2 green apples
  • 150 - 200 gm rock sugar, rinsed
  • 2.1/2 cups hot water
  1. Cut off the top part of the apple, core and peel off the skin.  ( I had to do this as the skin was waxy).
  2. Stuff the cored part of the apple with small pieces of rock sugar.
  3. Place the apples in the mini slow cooker, add in 2.1/2 cups hot water and 150 gm rock sugar.
  4. Switch on the slow cooker and leave it for 5 hours.
  5. Dish out the apple and syrup into a bowl.
  6. Serve warm.
  1. If using a double boiler, boil on medium low for 3 hours and don't forget to check the level of water in the boiler pot.
  2. You can substitute apples with Chinese pears or lemons.

I'm submitting this entry to  Aspiring Bakers #5 : Fruity March (March 2011) 

hosted by Jess of Bakericious


  1. My mum used to cook this dessert in winters for us too. Very good to sooth our throats.
    Take care!

  2. Cheah.....thanks for the mention :) The concoction is good for health even if you are not coughing. Yea it depends on what kind of cough you are having. It works for some though :)

    Hope your other half is better now. Regards to him.


  3. HI Ah yee....why do people use Rock Sugar in sweets like this? Why can't we use normal caster sugar? Is it because of the milder taste?

  4. I remember having a lot of this when I went home last year. Not sure if it works, but it's yummy!

  5. I have to remember not to take chicken and oranges! Thanks for the tips and the recipe.


  6. I always have cough and one of the remedy that my aunt introduced is this.

    This herb is avail in Malaysia and not in Singapore.

    So I tend to stock up whenever she visit my other aunt.

    The apple drink is also good but I normally use 雪梨.

  7. i was having cough too for past week and i also cooked this but i didnt double boil them, i just cook them in pot and added some sweet and bitter almond nuts..i'm not sure if it helps in coughing but it is soothing.

  8. Good to know this remedy. Always handy when the coughing season strikes!

  9. My mom likes to use pears to make those for us...coughing or not. LOL

  10. Christine
    Yes, indeed it's very soothing.

    Thank you. Will be making this often as a 'yoon' drink.

    Rock sugar is more mellow,light and has a sort of caramelish flavour. It certainly makes a difference and indeed very soothing to the throat, also to combat 'heatiness' in the body.

    Yes it's yummy, whether it works, hard to tell for each individual is different. But certainly it won't kill, that's for sure!

  11. your pics are amazing and I love your write up..
    first time here...happy to follow u..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  12. Cough remedy works very well during the begining stage. And it also helps in cooling heaty body. I like cooking this kind of drinks for my family. Thanks for the reminder. I need to make this tomorrow. The weather is not so right. I also asked my kids to bring umbrella & rain coat to school. You know why!
    Hope you're having a lovely evening.

  13. Lyn
    Yes, it sure helps to remember those.

    Yup, I've made with Chinese pears and lemon as well, do prefer the latter.

    Oh yes, it sure does when cough comes to visit!

    Yes, a great drink for all seasons!

    Sweet of you to drop by and thanks for the compliments. Just hopped over to yours. Great blog you have too! Hope to see you more often.

  14. Kristy
    Yes, the world is topsy turvy and so is the weather, all gone haywire!

  15. Cheah, Thanks for sharing, I did not know this method, will keep in mind...

  16. wow this might just be the solution to my cough! will that only work with green apples??

  17. Shu Han
    When we cook with apples we normally use green apples. If not you can just boil dates with Chinese pears, with skin removed.

  18. This is very useful and easy . I guess everyone will enjoy this dessert . Smile

  19. Thanks for sharing this extremely informative article on cough treatment. I recently read about cough treatment and various other allergies, its preventive measures to control and medication for cough & asthma on I found it extremely helpful.


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