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Meat Floss Rolls ~ Take 2

This is another version of  Meat floss Rolls that I made recently, slightly different from the previous meat floss roll that I've posted which was a loaf.  This time I used chicken meat floss and these rolls can be easily torn apart when you want to 'attack' them!

It does look a  bit messy with the floss spilling out, but that's not an issue, just gather them up and shove into the mouth .......... yummy!

  • 350 gm high protein flour - sifted
  • 1.1/2  tsp dried yeast
  • 15 gm skimmed milk powder
  • 1/4  tsp salt
  • 60 gm caster sugar
  • 25 gm butter/margarine
  • 1 egg (50ml) lightly beaten
  • 150 ml lukewarm water
  • Meat floss
  • Egg glaze  -  1 egg yolk + a little egg white +  a pinch of salt
  • Black and white sesame seeds/chopped nuts -  personal preference
  • a little extra butter/margarine
  1. Sift the flour, mix in the sugar, salt, yeast and skimmed milk powder.  Mix well with the dough hook.
  2. Add in the lukewarm water, then the lightly beaten egg.
  3. Mix well, then add in the butter.
  4. Beat on slow till a soft dough is formed and leaves the sides of the  mixing bowl, about 10 to 15 mins.
  5. Remove dough hook and cover the mixing bowl with a damp cloth, let prove in a warm place for an hour or till double in size.
  6. Dough is ready for shaping when an indentation is left after pressing with a finger.  Place dough on a lightly floured surface, give it a gentle knock to expel some air.
  7. Roll out dough into a rectangle about 1/4 inch thick, spread some butter and add in the meat floss.
  8. Roll up tightly, swiss roll style.  Cut into 1 inch width.  Arrange the cut rolls in a greased chiffon cake pan.
  9. Cover the pan with a damp cloth and let prove in a warm place for about 40 mins. or till double in size.
  10. Apply egg glaze, sprinkle on the sesame seeds.
  11. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180 degC for 15-20 mins. or till golden brown.
  12. Remove from oven and let cool in the pan for about 10 mins. Unmould and let cool completely on a wire rack.

I'm submitting this entry to  'Yeastspotting'.  Do check it out  'Here'.

Also submitting this to  Aspiring Bakers #8 - Bread Seduction hosted by  Jasmine of  The Sweetylicious.


  1. Cheah, The Meat floss Rolls look so good and I really like how you roll it. I think I'm going to try this one, my family will love it :)

  2. 很喜欢你的这款面包,谢谢你分享的食谱。这将是我必试的一道面包。

  3. looks really yummy cheah! i would love to have a slice right now!

  4. Cheah, can't hold my saliva any longer. lol! haha.... Hope you're enjoying your day.

  5. My brother loves meat floss rolls! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

  6. cheah, i have to tell you that the bread looks truly good! Not only the picture but i know you can bake really well! oh, that chicken floss filling, you must be joking..not a problem at all, we want more, more, more!!

  7. Cheah...the meat floss rolls looks nice..better than those sold at the bakery :)

  8. this look so nice! yes, just put everything inside MY mouth and i help you to eat it :D yummy!

  9. Anncoo
    Think kids will love it.

    cherry potato
    Thanks. You are most welcome.

    j3ss kitch3n
    You are most welcome to join me, if you can!

    Do you need tissue? Ha, ha, you enjoy your day too, friend!

    Thank you. Perhaps you can try this out for him to try!

    Thanks. You're a good baker and cook too and I love your pics!

    Thanks for the encouragement, momsie!

    The Sweetylicious
    Looks don't matter, it's the taste, right?

  10. The meat floss must be a filling-surprise!

  11. Wow! You are very generous with the large amount of floss fillings! And your bread is so beautifully shaped. Everything about this bread is so good that I've to bookmark your recipe.

  12. What a great way to use a chiffon cake tin! Beautiful bread. I think I will eat up all the floss before it ends up in the bread...haha

  13. this is delicious! thks for sharing :)

  14. tigerfish
    The meat floss does pair well with bread.

    Thank you so much!

    So nice of you to drop by. Will certainly pay a courtesy call on your blog shortly.

    Thank you. Most people I know enjoy eating meat floss.

    And thanks for dropping by my blog too. Will hop over to yours soon.

  15. Hi CheaH,

    Can I know wot size was d chiffon cake pan u used for this bread recipe. Thx


  16. Samantha
    Thanks for dropping by. It's a 23cm chiffon pan.

  17. I love the look of this bread, great idea to use the chiffon pan, will try it when I get some floss:)

  18. I would need a whole lot of them! Looks so soft!

  19. What is meat floss? I only know about dental floss...

  20. Yes, yes, I want to attack these very much :) How I wish you lived close by so I can invite myself over and taste your cooking!

  21. YUm! I love this roll. Always buy it at a local breadshop.

  22. Juanita
    Meat floss is finely shredded meat, can be chicken or pork or others. Cooked till very dry so that it can be easily shredded, hence it's termed - 'floss'.

  23. Jeannie
    Yes, please do!

    Thank you!

    It'll be a pleasure!

    Yes, I've seen this in the breadshops. Much cheaper to DIY!


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