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Purple sweet potato chiffon cake

P urple sweet potato chiffon cake has been on my 'wanted' list for a long, long time.  I adapted the recipe from 'Do what I like' but tweaked it a bit to suit my 23 cm chiffon cake pan.  I was delighted to be rewarded with a pinkish purplish cake with bits of potato cubes that didn't sink to the bottom!
The highly nutritious purple sweet potato is the latest food item to be presented to the general public as a potential superfood.  The colour is the important part as it is this purple colour which is responsible for the amount of anthocyanim in the potato.  Anthocyanim which produces red, blue or purple colours in different types of food can also be found in blueberries, red grapes and red cabbage.  However,  the purple sweet potato has a higher concentration of the chemical than any other species of potatoes.  This is effective for lowering hypertension and is one of the best foods that one can eat to prevent cancer.

I truly love the texture and taste of this soft, light chiffon cake and the colour is just adorable.  This recipe is a keeper for sure!

Recipe for Purple sweet potato chiffon cake


A)  150 gm  (nett wt.) sweet potatoes, steamed and smashed
      4.1/2  Tbsp milk
B)  4.1/2  egg yolks
     30 gm caster sugar
     75 ml canola/corn oil
     4.1/2  Tbsp water
     pinch of salt
C)  120 gm superfine flour
D)  6 egg whites
      75 gm caster sugar
      3/4  tsp cream of tartar
E)  100 gm sweet potatoes steamed and diced into small cubes

  1. Mix (B) with a balloon whisk till well blended.  Add in (A), the sweet potato mixture, mix well.  
  2. Sieve in (C), mix till smooth and lump-free with no traces of flour visible.  If  batter is a bit dry, add in 1 Tbsp to 1.1/2  Tbsp milk.  (Purple sweet potatoes tend to be a bit dry).
  3. Beat the egg whites (D) with cream of tartar till foamy, add in the sugar and beat till stiff but not dry.
  4. Add half the egg white mixture into the egg mixture, mix well with the balloon whisk.  Add the remaining egg white mixture and mix till well combined with no traces of egg whites visible.
  5. Stir in half of (E), mix well.
  6. Pour the mixture into an ungreased 23 cm chiffon cake pan, sprinkle the remaining sweet potato cubes on top.  Give the pan a bang to release any air bubbles.
  7. Place the pan on a lower shelf and bake in a preheated oven @ 180 deg for 15 mins. Lower the temperature to 175 deg. C for another 25 mins. and bake till golden brown.  Test with a skewer till it comes out clean.
  8. Invert the cake immediately onto a wire rack  and once cooled, loosen the cake with a thin knife to unmould.  Let cake cool completely.

I'm submitting this post to  Weekend Herb Blogging # 309  hosted by


  1. WOW! That's a very pretty colour and definitely a healthy cake. I'm going to get some purple sweet potato soon to this recipe. Thanks for sharing, Cheah :)

  2. Ann
    You're welcome and I'm sure you'll love the colour of this chiffon.

  3. cheah, i really love the look of your chiffon and the colour especially. With 4.5 eggs, you still managed to get this lovely colour, that's fantastic! thanks for sharing!

  4. When I last bake with sweet potatoes, the cake turned greyish, one blogger said to add lemon juice but yours looks so beautifully pink!

  5. Wow, I love the lovely color. Very beautiful chiffon cake. Yum yum

  6. wow so pretty love this cake these potatoes are also grow in North Carolina "-)

  7. This looks like very originaly cake;) I never made it befor and cant wait to try:)

  8. I love this purplish color - very sweet color and the cake looks good too.

  9. Love the color! And the potato cubes did not sink to the bottom...well done ! I have yet to master the art of making chiffon cake. I love it !

  10. Gosh Aunty Cheah! this is wild! I simply love making the most of natural colours in cooking.

  11. Lena
    You're most welcome. I was thrilled when I saw the colour!

    I suppose it depends on the type of potatoes.

    Thank you and it's truly yum, yum!

    Yes, thank you!

    Oh, then you can try baking with them and see the outcome.

    If you can get this type of potatoes, you must try to make this.

  12. Yummy Bakes
    This cake is truly very delicious. Give it a try, Chris!

    You sure can master the art of making chiffon in time to come!

    Yes, very natural and I didn't add any colouring.

    Thank you.

  13. such a pretty color cake and look so soft and fluffy
    yummy! :)

  14. Light and airy...I can't get enough chiffon cakes!

  15. nice color! makes chiffon cake more unique and interesting.

  16. What a lovely chiffon cake. Like the colour too!!

  17. Alice
    Thanks for dropping by. Yes, this is yummy cake.

    Yes, one can't get bored with chiffon cakes.

    Thank you!

    Belly Good Cooking
    Nice of you to visit. You have a great blog too!

  18. The cake looks very moist and soft. Love the color! Unfortunately I can't get purple sweet potatoes. The only type we have here is orange in color.

  19. Biren
    I suppose you can make with orange coloured sweet potatoes, think it'll look nice too.

  20. Pretty, pretty color!

    Thanks for joining WHB!

  21. Anh
    You're most welcome. Yes, I just fell in love with the colour.

  22. never seen purple sweet potato before but I am in awe of that pastel hue in the cake - so so pretty and delicate

  23. Johanna GGG
    Thanks for visiting. Just hopped over to your blog, very interesting!


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