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Curry Chicken with Yoghurt and Sweet Potatoes

This is the first time that I'm using sweet potatoes in a curry and was very eager to see how this would fare.  The curry turned out to be rich, not heavy with a slight sweet, creamy onion sauce that just melts in your mouth and most important, it was well received by my family members.

This curry dish is very versatile, pairs well with white rice, bread, capati or roti canai.

Recipe for Curry Chicken with Yoghurt and Sweet Potatoes


  • 800 gm free range chicken
  • 10 shallots, pounded
  • 6 pips garlic, pounded
  • 5 cloves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1/2  tsp garam masala
  • 2 tomatoes, cut into quarters
  • 200 gm Japanese sweet potatoes cut into medium size cubes
  • 200 ml yoghurt
  • 15 gm Algappas meat curry powder
  • 2 cups water
  • Seasalt to taste
  1. Marinate the chicken pieces with the curry powder and a bit of salt for about an hour, set aside.
  2. Saute the pounded shallots, garlic, cloves and cinnamon stick with some oil, fry till fragrant.
  3. Add in the marinated chicken, fry for a while and toss in the sweet potatoes.
  4. Add in 2 cups water, once boiling, reduce heat, cover and cook till chicken is tender and sweet potatoes cooked through.
  5. Fine tune to taste, add in the tomatoes and yoghurt, simmer and turn off heat.  (Do not bring to the boil as the heat will make the yoghurt curdle).
  6. Dish out and serve hot.

I'm submitting this post to  Muhibbah Malaysian Monday   hosted by


  1. Hi.. wow love your curry chicken and it's a healthy version without coconut milk.
    Look extremely good, can have extra rice...;)

    Have a nice day.

    1. Yes, at times I use soymilk instead of coconut. Find it not so heavy.

  2. Wah ... ho yeh. What time is dinner? Wait for me ok.

    1. Yes, have cooked extra rice. Will wait for you!

  3. i wonder if it's good to use pumpkins too..i happened to post a curry dish too today. Last few days i saw you walking in to intrico, didnt call you cos i was in the car and was hurry to go!

    1. I think pumpkin will also taste good in a curry. Oh, really, I was in a hurry too.

  4. I always advised friend to use natural yoghurt or ground almonds in curries as substitutes for coconut milk. The curries taste good. Will use sweet potatoes the next time. Thanks for sharing the experiment.

    1. You're most welcome, Kimmy. Just hopped over to your blog, great recipes too!

  5. The curry sauce looks light & delicious. thanks for sharing the recipe, Cheah. Hope you're having a great day.

  6. I cook curry chicken very often, never know can replace sweet potato with potato, great idea, gonna to try out soon.

    1. I was just trying out too and quite happy with the result.

  7. This is a truly luscious meal. Your photos make it seem so appealing. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  8. A delicious meal. I love the idea of using sweet potatoes in curry too.

    1. It's the first time that I tried this. Will certainly cook this again.

  9. Like the idea of adding yogurt. I know that in Indian cooking, they use yogurt to marinate and make meat more tender. :)

  10. Hi there, this is a really nice post about Asian food. It would be great if you linked to it in my Food on Friday series. Food on Friday

    1. Thanks for visiting. Have linked up with your Food on Friday series.


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