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Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

This is my second attempt at making Vanilla ice cream.  My first try was without the custard base and the texture was smooth but  it was far too sweet.  This time around I tried a recipe with a custard base and   reduced the amount of sugar.  I was delighted when I finally achieved a not too sweet but creamy, smooth and full of vanilla fragrance ice cream.  I find it a challenge to snap pictures of homemade ice cream, for they melt so fast.....

Recipe for Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (adapted from 'here' with slight modification)


    • 250 ml whipping cream
    • 250 ml full cream milk
    • 5 egg yolks
    • 1 vanilla bean (scrape the seeds from the bean with the back of the knife)
    • 90 gm caster sugar  (reduced from 130 gm)
    • 80 gm choc bits, crushed
    • a pinch of salt
    1. In a pot, stir and lightly boil the cream, milk, salt and vanilla seeds till the milk begins to foam up slightly.  Remove from heat.
    2. With a handheld whisk beat the egg yolks and sugar till light and fluffy.
    3. Gradually pour the cream milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture.  Keep whisking to prevent the egg yolks from cooking.
    4. Pour the mixture back into the pot, keep stirring with a wooden spoon and cook till the custard thickens and can coat the back of the wooden spoon.
    5. Immediately remove from heat, pour the mixture into a bowl, cover with cling film, let cool, then keep refrigerated overnight.
    6. Churn the chilled custard in the ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.  Add in the choc bits just before the end of churning.  Once made, transfer the ice-cream to a chilled container and store in the freezer.


  1. Pretty clicks! Your vanilla ice cream looks so creamy, so good for this super hot weather. Yummy!

    1. Thank you, Ann! Had a hard time snapping the pictures, need to be quick!

  2. Cheah, your ice cream is melting ... quick pass some to me. The weather is soooooooo hot, this is definitely a welcome treat.

    1. Yes, it melts very fast. Same here, the weather is incredibly hot and hazy.

  3. Hi Cheah, your ice cream look so refreshing and inviting. Home made ice cream always taste the best. Nick click!

    Have a nice day.

    1. Yes, homemade ones are always better as we can control the amount of sugar. Thanks for the compliment!

  4. what a hot hot weather now, have a cup of ice cream to cool down cool down. yummy.

    1. Yes, it's hot,hot here too. Read in the papers that there'll be more hot and hazy days to come..... sigh!

  5. Hi Cheah, Looking at this ice cream makes me drool..... Unbelievable, home made ice-cream looks so inviting, how I wish you are just next door.

  6. Cheah, I can't say no to your vanilla ice cream!

    1. You're more than welcome to share some with me!

  7. Oh wow....beautiful ice cream! That must be so refreshing and cooling to eat in the hot weather back home.

    1. I envy you, Mary. We're having thick haze here and it's making me lethargic! You must appreciate your free air-cond. :)

  8. yes, must stand by everything for shooting ice cream! homemade ice cream is very impatient! LOL!

    1. You're right, Lena. Your hands must work super fast:)

  9. The vanilla ice cream looks so creamy! Beautiful presentation, Cheah.

  10. Hi Cheah , pass a scoop or three of that pretty delicious vanilla bean ice cream over here ;D Yeah , taking photos of ice cream is such a pain in the behind during summer - it melts so fast *sigh* Try turning on the aircon next time lol

    1. Feel free to help yourself, Anne! We have summer the whole year through and my 'studio' is in the kitchen which unfortunately does not have an air-cond....:)

  11. Cheah....hahaha perfect texture, creamy and smooth. Can imagine how good this is. I normally reduce the sugar too. Well done pal :)

    1. Thank you, momsie.... I'm now hooked on making ice cream!

  12. Your vanilla bean ice cream looks so creamy and good! I love vanilla ice cream! And I dislike taking photos of ice creams, they melt really fast, especially in our hot and humid weather!

    1. Yes, must be quick and no time to arrange for good pose!

  13. Ya, difficult to take ice cream photo in our hot weather here , I have yet to make a vanilla ice cream yet, glad that you found a good recipe.

  14. The ice-cream looks great! I totally understand how you feel, I had to take pictures of ice-cream today too and mine melted way too quickly. I find that home-made ice-cream melts faster, maybe because it doesn't contain a stabilizer. I haven't visited for a while too, love the "new look". Well, it's probably not new but it's new to me, he he :)

    1. Yes, because homemade ones do not contain stabiliser, that's why. How I envy you in S'pore, breathing in fresh air as compared to us now up north :(

  15. Hi Cheah,
    This vanilla ice cream looks so good!
    I like ice cream with custard base, I find it is smoother.
    Mee too, doesn't like to take pictures of ice cream on hot weather. The ice cream sweat very quickly .. LoL


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