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Grilled black pepper Chicken

Whipped this simple chicken dish for dinner last weekend.  Very easy to prepare, more flavourful if the chicken had been marinated overnight, which I did.

Heat up the grill pan with a little bit of oil, once it's hot, dump in the chicken pieces devoid of marinade.
Stirfry the colourful capsicums and onion with a bit of oil, dish up.  In the same pan add in the chicken marinade, sauces,  water, thickening and you're done!

You are most welcome to join me ....... just dig in!

  • 3 chicken legs, deboned and skin removed
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2 capsicums, cut into wedges
Seasoning for the chicken
  • 1  Tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1/2  tsp light soya sauce
  • 1/2  tsp salt
  • 1/8  tsp pepper
  • 4 pips garlic smashed
Black pepper sauce
  • 1/2  tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1  Tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1/4  cup water
  • 1  tsp cornflour + 1.1/2  Tbsp water to thicken
  1. Marinate the chicken legs with the above seasoning for a few hours, or preferably overnight in the refrigerator.  Take them out at least an hour before cooking.
  2. Heat up a grill pan with a little bit of oil and once the pan is red hot, add in the chicken pieces, reduce the heat to maintain the temperature, and let the chicken cook  for a few minutes.  Leave any marinade in the bowl for later use.   Once the edges of the meat start to brown, then flip over to the other side and grill for a further few minutes.
  3. Dish up onto serving plates.
  4. In another pan, heat up some oil and toss in the onion slices and capsicums, stir-fry and dish out.
  5. In the same pan, put in the chicken marinade, add in the ground black pepper, oyster sauce and water, let it simmer.  Fine tune to taste and add in the thickening.
  6. Arrange the onions and capsicums onto the serving plates with the chicken pieces and pour over the sauce.
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy.


  1. Mmm...looks so delicious! Chicken legs must be very tender and soft :)

  2. I cooked chicken chop and wagy beef steak for dinner last nite too, your chicken chop looks more appetising than mine leh :D

  3. Yummy! Perfect to serve with some rice or pasta!

  4. Looks so tasty! Love anything with a shiny glaze. yum yum

  5. You make it sounds so simple! And the photos apeak for delicious!

  6. Anncoo
    Yes, they're tender because they cook fast without bones and skin!

    Hey, you're just being humble!

    Yes, they are!


    Yes, goes well with rice and pasta too!

    Thank you!

    Yes, easy to prepare!

  7. Delicious! I love black pepper in meat. Yours looks just right!

  8. The chicken look so tender and juicy.

  9. Looks so evenly browned!! yum yum!!

  10. busygran
    Thank you!

    Yummy koh
    Yup, they're soft and tender!

    Think your kid will love it!

  11. My mouthwatering already. lol! Wow, looks so delicious. yummm.... Hope you're having a wonderful evening, Cheah.

  12. oh my my am loving this delicious!

  13. Dear Cheah

    Thanks for sharing.My family love this dish and it goes well with mashed potato.

    Once again thanks very much

  14. Kristy
    Thanks. You have a great day too!

    Yes, it is, just try it!

    You are most welcome!

  15. hi, this is my first time to cook and your recipe is simple and perfect for me to try...

    can i know how long exactly for me to let it cook before i flip it over??

    what's the temperature when cooking? meadium heat?

    thanks! :)

  16. Amy
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I didn't really time the cooking. I used a grill pan, so once the red indicator on the pan is red hot, then lower the heat to medium low and put in the meat. Just watch it and once the edges of the meat are slightly brown, then you can flip over to the other side. Yes, it should be medium to medium low.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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