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Seafood Vermicelli

Sometime ago, while dining in a restaurant in Melbourne China town, my friend suggested that we order a La-la dish.  Then I found out that La-la, known in Malaysia is referred to as Pi-pi in Aussie land.  Well, be it La-la or Pi-pi, to me 'Clams' is more appropriate and better understood.
Now, back to this one-dish meal, it's easily prepared and very tasty, especially the soup ..... slurp, slurp to the last drop.  For the health conscious, round it up with a hot cup of Green tea, which may help bring down the cholesterol level after consuming such delicious crustaceans.

 tasty prawns, fish fillet, good old La-la and  some greens.
indulging once in a while, is acceptable .....

mmm ...... isn't it tempting ...... try me

a must have .....
 some freshly chopped chilli padi/birds' eye chillies
and garlic to go with it

Recipe for Seafood Vermicelli

300 gm Chicken bones to make stock
8 cups of water
300 gm Fish fillet
300 gm Prawns
300 gm Clams
200 gm Bok Choy
Rice vermicelli for 3 servings
Some Chilly Padi/Bird's eye Chillies
3 pips of Garlic
Light Soya Sauce
Salt to taste

Seasoning for Fish
20 gm young ginger cut into strips
2 Teasp Sesame Oil
1/8 Teasp Pepper
1/4 Teasp Sugar
1 Teasp Light soya sauce
1/2 Teasp Salt
Dash of Pepper

Seasoning for Prawns
1 Teasp Salt
1 Teasp Sugar
Dash of Pepper

Fried chopped Garlic


Cook the chicken bones with the 8 cups of water for about half an hour.
Add salt to taste
Wash  clams thoroughly to clear of mud
Soak in salt water
Marinate fish fillet, prawns with the above seasoning
Set aside
Soak the rice vermicelli in water, set aside
Cut up the vegetables into bite size
Boil some water and cook the vermicelli
Drain off water and dish into bowls
Heat up the soup, add in the vegetables
fish fillet, clams and prawns
Scoop up soup into the bowls of vermicelli
Top up with  fish fillet, clams and prawns
Garnish with fried garlic
Serve immediately with chopped bird's eye chillies and garlic

~  Enjoy  ~


  1. How many does this serve?

    1. About 3 servings and of course also depends on how much one can eat.


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